Monday, August 31, 2009

Snow Leopard friendly HDTV

With important applications like Boxee Media Center, XBMC and Plex for OS X, it is more tempting than ever to connect your Mac to your HDTV. Now that you've upgraded to Leopard Snow Leopard, you will find high-definition television that Snow Leopard friendly.

All things Apple Weblog TUAW noticed that when connecting a MacBook to an HDTV to Snow Leopard, will display options again, designed specifically for viewing on HDTV 720p, 1080i and 1080p good. It's a minor tweak (you can always go out to 1920 × 1080, but it is easier to print), but it is a practice for people using a Mac as the center of your home theater setup, and this kind of integration between our computers and Exhibitions is the kind of thing hope to see more in the future.

TUAW notes that have been tested and found working on machines connected via DisplayPort -> HDMI, but comments on the work also confirm that the DVI to HDMI. If you're lucky, we'll hear what works for you in the comments.

Nathaniel taylor Computer Technology View

1 comment:

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